Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Normal Saturday night at Tomys ...

Cool but short meeting with the Frenchys, Sylvanus, Seb1 and 2 ... at GLC and than Tomys with .....

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..... And Adrienne, Alex and Jemy

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Guess who is back ?

And yes Adrienne came back from Australia........ Posted by Picasa

Hop 2 orteils fractures pour Mathilde...

Saturday night, big accident dancing on my bathroom........ what a story !
Restult no skiing for a week ! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Rest after a hard work out !

Yesterday, tuesday, Jerry and I got the record for the most ski lift in one day in Whistler !
35 chair lift ! The last record was 34 ...... from 8 am to 4 pm with 20 min stop !
Next time we are going to try 40....... Posted by Picasa

Petit Diner entre Amis....

The french crew, monday night in creekside for a diner with Seb 1 and 2, Isa, Jerome, Sylvanus, Adrien, Eric and ........ Posted by Picasa

And a Landaise in Whistler...... never without a 51 bottle ! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thursday night skiing in Cypress.....

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A wednseday in vancouver.

Walk at the beach on a nice day with Deanna and Griff. Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 13, 2006

Flash back 2005.

Do you remember the powder day with Mini me ? Snow fight with Jerry ? And the star wipe out ? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Steep session !

I feel the need ! The need for speed ! Posted by Picasa

the best team !

The muppets with Dax, Cyrus and Nicholas after a good warming up on a saturday morning... Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 10, 2006

Friday morning....

4th day skiing for Irina and she is allready level 4........ i cant beleive it, short turn this morning !

Good moove ! Posted by Picasa

Le Pick !

Encore une journee a faire pleurer les citadins...
Vendredi sur le Pick avec Syl.... Posted by Picasa

Soiree couple pour Jerome !

Jerome je sais que c'est la Gay Week a whistler cette semaine mais ce n'est pas une raison pour te promener en paignoire avec ta femme !
Et tu pourras dire a Philou qu'il achete des pontalons a sa taille ! Posted by Picasa

Another Thursday in whistler

Night time with a peanuts fight !!!!
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Another sunny day in whistler, park session with Sylvain, Adrien and Seb..... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Brune ou Blonde ?

I dont know what to decide for my hair ....
help me ! Posted by Picasa

Melbourne nov 05

What a day ! Races in Australia, for Ladies day with Ben. Posted by Picasa

Petit retour sur une famille un peu special

Une Maman encore tres jeune, un Papa qui ne loupe pas une occasion pour se deguiser, mon frere Arno qui porte une moustache trop moche, ma soeur Vio qui ne sait plus quoi faire avec ses cheveux, et mon petit frere Pierre qui sort plus souvent qu'il ne va en cours ! Posted by Picasa

Do you know my friend from Malaga : Jerome, Philou et Tamara ? Posted by Picasa

The french team breakind down whistler/
Sophie we miss you..... Posted by Picasa

Flash back new zealand

South Island, best trip with my tow friends Syl and Pierre... Posted by Picasa

La preuve en image !