Monday, May 29, 2006

Freesbee golf in whistler.

The crew for 3 hours walking looking for Bears in the forest playing freesbee golf : Julien, Robbie, Dana, Sonia, Adrien, James, Marine,.......... etc. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Hot tub in Nordic ....

The crew : Julien, Matt, Mathilde, James and Marine Posted by Picasa

On a trouve un vrai canadien...

Thanks Dana for this pure moment of happyness. Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 26, 2006

Marine Birthday....

Deux pyreneens se sont perdu a whistler.... Marine et Julien.... Posted by Picasa

may 26th 2006..... still skiing

One more day skiing hard with James.... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Et dernier stop a Calgary ..

Vente de chevaux pour les cows boys !!!!! Posted by Picasa

Quebec city et Lorrantides....

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peche et diner au mont tremblant

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start du trip avec Marie Eve

BC, Calgary,Lake Louise, les prairies........ jusqu'au quebec en voiture 50 h en passant par L'okanagan ! Posted by Picasa

pettie soiree entre amis avant mon depart pour la traversee du canada

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